Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm back!

I haven't blogged since one week ago, one year ago and I'm ready to do it again. It's something I've been wanting to do again but I just haven't gotten around to it.

I decided to just start a new blog because thinks have REALLY changed in the past year and so I felt like starting a completely new blog as my last blog didn't follow the changes I've undergone. 

So I guess this is my 'catching up' entry.  It's weird as it does sort of feel like catching up with an old friend.  Not quite as good as the real thing, but certainly nice. 

I began school at UCR last summer and couldn't be happier.  I didn't plan on going to school here until I received a letter in the mail saying I was one of the few kids being offered the Chancellor's Scholarship. So basically I go to school for almost free, and having that opportunity was the main factor in me choosing UCR.  I got in to 'better ranked' schools but I know I made the right choice for me.  there are things I want to change, but I honestly enjoy my time at school and taking advantage of what the school has to offer. I have a 4.00 GPA after two quarters and I'm so proud of myself!  I also joined a few clubs  and honor societies on campus to get involved and I'm happy I did that. 

When I started school I moved out of my parent's home in Lake Elsinore and moved into an apartment a few blocks from school.  It's perfect I walk to school nearly everyday and only drive when I have to be somewhere immediately after school.  I love living on my own and have become a lot more responsible and mature because of it.  I felt having my own place was more for than the dorm life, and the only reason I would've lived in the dorms was because it felt 'expected'.  But I'm not the average young student and again I know I made the right choice for me. 

Another BIG change in my life is that I got engaged! Raul proposed April 25th, 2008 while we spent the weekend at Coachella.  He romantically asked me while we were watching one of my favorite bands, Death Cab for Cutie.  We don't have a date for the wedding set actually mainly because of my education.  My parents are paying for my undergrad education and all my living expenses, and I can't expect them to keep paying if I am married.  Since I'll have 3-4 years of dental school and 3  years of specialty school to pay for, I decided if I can save Raul and I $250,000 in student loans why not?  Plus we are both young, I'm 19 and he's 22, so we really are in no hurry. So expect an invitation around 2012! Unless one of us wins he lotto....

I'm also working at Windsor Fashions in the Tyler Mall in Riverside and I really enjoy it.  Working retail really teaches ones patience! I do love helping people at work.  Whether it's just being kind and helpful to everyone that walks in or helping someone find the perfect dress for their high school homecoming or prom, it really makes me feel good!  Cheesy I know... But it does feel good when people thank you for being so helpful and nice.  And I'm kinda hoping that people that feel that way about me will pay it forward and do little things to help others. I know it's my job, but I try and do that little extra. Whenever I do have to work with a difficult customer I do try to tell myself , "Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are..."

Raul is currently working as a drumtech for Anberlin. He is so blessed to have an amazing job like this!  He gets paid to be around his passion and to see the world! He does miss actually paying music though I know, so maybe something will work out where he can do both.  He's always moving to Portland, Oregon soon to work for Truth Drums again.  I'm so proud of him!

"Kindess is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"
Mark Twain

And on a more personal note, I feel in the past year I've really matured and become a better person.  I'm not perfect, and I still have a lot room for improvement.  I try everyday to be a better friend, a better peer, a better co-worker, a better daughter/sister, and just a better person.  I'm also the happiest I've ever been because of this new outlook I have.  I feel better being more nice and mature, and I definitely see how differently most people will treat you in return.  And I like to think me being a nicer person makes people's lives easier haha like my parent's and my friends'.  I do know I was once quite a difficult person to say the least. So thanks to everyone that was there for me when I was rude, to put it bluntly! Lol.  I'm really growing up since I began college and I love living life this way. 

I'm going to try to post pictures and more entries soon...


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